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What are You Thankful For in 2023?

Members of the ϲ community share what they are most thankful for this year

November is a time to reflect on all of the things we’re thankful for.

From family and friends, professors, and school—it’s often the people and experiences that have made a difference in our lives that matter the most.

We reached out to members of the ϲ community to find out what they’re grateful for.

Mary Archambault, ‘26
“I am thankful for my awesome roommates. They’re very supportive and very uplifting friends.”
Mary Archambault, ‘26
Special Education major
Maddie Abrants, ‘26
“I am grateful for my supportive friends, family, and professors because I am a busy person and can get easily stressed but they are always there to ground me.”
Maddie Abrants, ‘26
Elementary Education and Dance Education major with concentration in Special Education
Justin Rosa, ‘26
“I am thankful for the friends I’ve made here at BSU and to be part of the program council. I think it’s the best student organization. They put on a lot of great events. I’m also thankful for President Fred Clark, he has been a good support for me.”
Justin Rosa, ‘26
Communications major
Karin Bourne, ‘26
“I’m thankful for learning better time management skills. I went from having an insane job and schedule but can now focus more on school.”
Karin Bourne, ‘26
Social Work major
Gandhy Ulysse, ’24
“I’m grateful for my family and my religion. Both help me stay consistent and persevere. I took a year-long break from school, but now I’m back and my grades are higher than before. For the first time I got an email saying I made the Dean’s list. I needed that reset to keep me afloat.”
Gandhy Ulysse, ’24
Management major, African American Studies and Human Resource minors
Emma Lyn Dkysinski, ‘25
“I am thankful that people support me, I can’t succeed without people who believe in me.”
Emma Lyn Dkysinski, ‘25
Art Education and Elementary Education major
Samantha Turgeon, ‘26
“I am thankful for my family and my dogs. My family is always there for me and my dogs give me great cuddles.”
Samantha Turgeon, ‘26
Health Science Major with physical therapy concentration