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Dr. Stephen Waratuke

Waratuke, Stephen.jpg
Professor and Chairperson of Chemical Sciences
Mohler Faria Science and Mathematics Center, Room 413

BS, University of Pittsburgh
PhD, Purdue University

Research Interests:
Dr. Waratuke is engaged in the synthesis and spectroscopic studies of titanium aryloxide, arylsulfide, carbamate, and related organic compounds and their use as catalysts for organic transformations. The development of these organometallic compounds, (existing and novel systems) for hydroamination and cross-coupling reactions of alkenes and alkynes is his current focus. The research work is driven by engaged student collaboration with the department undergraduate majors.

Recent Courses:
Organic I and II (CHEM 343, 344)
Organic I and II Labs (CHEM 343L, 344)
Survey of Chemistry I (CHEM 131)
Environmental Organometallic Chemistry (special topic, CHEM 490)
Advanced Organic, Environmental, Research Problems in Chemistry (CHEM 390)
Computers in Chemistry (CHEM 100)